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Mimecast wint prijs bij The Legal Technology Awards 2009

Erkenning van de vooroplopende positie van Mimecast Unified Email Management. Business e-mail tegen lagere kosten met een optimale beveiliging, 100%-uptime, onbeperkte archivering en in overeenstemming met interne en externe regelgeving in één oplossing.
Gouda 16-04-2009 – a&o systems + services Benelux B.V. (a&o) maakt bekend dat haar partner Mimecast Ltd (Mimecast) de prestigieuze “Online Product of the Year” prijs heeft gewonnen op The Legal Technology Award 2009 ceremonie in London.
The Legal Technology Awards worden uitgereikt aan succesvolle bedrijven die vooroplopen in het implementeren van technologie voor strategische aandachtgebieden binnen advocatenkantoren.
Mimecast Unified Email Management, is een eenvoudig te beheren geïntegreerde Software as a Service (SaaS) oplossing voor business e-mail waarbij veiligheid (spam, virus, data leak prevention), 100%-continuïteit, geen dataverlies, opslagreductie, naleving van regelgeving (compliance, policy) en archivering voorop staan. Mimecast Unified Email Management neemt de alsmaar groter wordende risico’s en complexiteit van e-mail weg. Bovendien zijn kostenbesparingen tot 70% mogelijk.
a&o heeft de rechten verworven om Mimecast Unified Email Management in de Benelux op de markt te brengen.
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De tekst van het Engelse persbericht is hieronder opgenomen:
LONDON,Mimecast®, a holistic email management company offering SaaS-based email archiving, continuity, security and policy control, announced that their leadership position has been recognised by The Legal Technology Awards. Mimecast was announced winner of the ‘Online Product of the year’ at a prestigious awards ceremony in London on January 29th.
The Legal Technology Awards are dedicated to the strategic implementation of technology within law firms, recognising the success of the firms and suppliers who are at the cutting edge of this continuously developing area of law firm practice management. The process for selecting the winners is rigorous and culminates in a ‘Dragons’ Den’ style presentation and interrogation by an independent panel of judges.
Mimecast currently supplies its web-based unified email managementTM service to 40% of the top 100 UK law firms including Taylor Wessing, Ashurst, Charles Russell and Osborne Clarke. The service allows firms to consolidate the number of suppliers and servers for email storage, archiving, security and continuity to just one enabling significant cost savings. The unified email management service requires no on-site hardware or software, providing “always-on email”, 24/7 availability that can be deployed at a fraction of the cost of software based, appliances or managed service alternatives.
“Mimecast is delighted to be recognised for its work and commitment to the legal community and for the excellence of its products and services,” said Peter Bauer, Chief Executive Officer of Mimecast. “Our legal clients continue to provide outstanding value to their customers and understand the need for highly available, secure and accessible communications technologies that help manage complexity and cost in their businesses.”
Founded in 2002, Mimecast delivers a holistic approach for managing the risk and complexity of the email management environment with an integrated in-the-cloud solution for archiving, continuity and security of corporate communication and data. Built on a technology architecture specifically designed for SaaS, Mimecast Unified Email Management makes email more useful and productive, removes the fragmented stacks of point solutions, delivers enterprise-grade software services and empties server rooms to facilitate green IT environments.
Over a&o systems + services
a&o systems + services is een zelfstandig onderdeel van a&o group, een grote ICT dienstverlener in Europa. a&o richt zich met haar portfolio op grote en middelgrote bedrijven en heeft in Europa ongeveer 2.500 medewerkers. a&o dringt de beheerinspanning, de complexiteit en de kosten van de ICT-omgeving blijvend terug. a&o verhoogt de beschikbaarheid van applicaties voor eindgebruikers en zorgt dat de organisatie ruimte (tijd, geld) krijgt voor innovatie.
Over Mimecast
Mimecast delivers SaaS-based enterprise email management for archiving, discovery, continuity, security and policy. By unifying disparate and fragmented email environments into one holistic solution that is always available from the cloud, Mimecast minimizes risk and reduces cost and complexity, while providing total end-to-end control of email. Founded in the United Kingdom in 2002, Mimecast serves more than 2,000 customers worldwide and has offices in the United Kingdom, United States, South Africa, Scandinavia, the Middle East and the Channel Islands.


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