Riverbed Steelhead behaalt gecertificeerde SAP-integratie
Rotterdam, 9 april 2008 – Riverbed, specialist in performanceoplossingen voor Wide-area Data Services (WDS), heeft de SAP-certificering behaald voor third-party netwerktoepassingen die gebruikmaken van het SAP NetWeaver platform en bedrijfsbrede SOA. Deze certificering van SAP garandeert volledige compatibiliteit en naadloze integratie van Riverbed Steelhead applicaties met SAP-omgevingen.
Door de sterk groeiende vraag naar WAN-optimalisatie heeft SAP sinds kort haar certificering uitgebreid en past het keurmerk nu ook toe op netwerkintegratie. Uit de zware test die voorafging aan het toekennen van de certificering aan Riverbed kwamen de volgende conclusies naar voren: de CPU-load van SAP-applicaties wordt met minstens 10% teruggebracht en de WAN-eindgebruiker ervaart een afname van minstens 30% in de responstijd. Verder is gebleken dat de effectiviteit van het gebruik van de bandbreedte met minstens 30% toeneemt zonder afbreuk te doen aan functionaliteit en veilige, versleutelde communicatie. In de praktijk is gebleken dat Riverbed’s Steelheads de WAN-prestaties tot vijf keer verbeteren en dataverkeer tot zelfs 99% verminderen.
Carel Bak, Regional Director Noord-Europa bij Riverbed: ”De certificering is een logische stap. Onze Steelheads versnellen applicatiemodules over WAN’s binnen het NetWeaver platform en zo hebben we in verschillende tests een vermindering tot 99% van het dataverkeer gezien. Het resultaat daarvan is dat de capaciteit van de bandbreedte wel zeventien keer zo groot kan worden. Daarnaast versnelt RiOS zowel HTTP- als HTTPS-verkeer, wat de prestaties van SAP NetWeaver over het WAN nog verder ten goede komt. Gebruikers van het SAP NetWeaver platform zullen erg tevreden zijn over de resultaten van de Steelhead applicaties.”
Over Riverbed
Riverbed Technology, Inc. (Nasdaq:RVBD) is specialist in performance oplossingen voor Wide-area Data Services (WDS). Door een aanzienlijk betere applicatieperformance over het Wide Area Network (WAN) te realiseren dan wat gebruikers vandaag de dag gewend zijn, verandert Riverbed de manier van werken en maakt het mogelijk om gedistribueerde teams te laten samenwerken alsof ze op één locatie zitten. Riverbed’s Steelhead appliances hebben in 2005 en 2006 de ‘Product of the Year award’ gekregen van InfoWorld in de categorie ‘Best WAN accelerator’. Tevens is Riverbed uitgeroepen tot winnaar van de ‘2005 Technology Innovation Award’ van The Wall Street Journal in de categorie Network/Broadband/Internet, de ‘2006 Well-Connected Award’ van Network Computing voor ‘Remote Office Network Infrastructure’ en de ‘2006 Excellence Award for Network Infrastructure’ van eWeek. De oplossingen van Riverbed zijn wereldwijd verkrijgbaar via resellers die aangesloten zijn bij het Riverbed Partner Network, via OEM partners of direct van Riverbed. Voor meer informatie:
Steelhead Products
Riverbed’s WDS solutions enable organizations of all sizes to overcome a host of severe problems, including poor application performance and insufficient bandwidth at remote sites. By speeding the performance of applications between data centers, remote offices and mobile workers by five to 50 times and in some cases up to 100 times, Riverbed’s award-winning Steelhead WDS products enable companies to consolidate IT, improve backup and replication processes to ensure data integrity, and improve staff productivity and collaboration. Steelhead products have been deployed in organizations ranging from the world’s largest corporations with offices around the globe to small companies with a couple of sites that are just miles apart. To learn more, view Riverbed’s demo: www.riverbed.com/pr/jack.
Forward Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements, including statements relating to the expected demand for Riverbed's products and services, statements regarding performance results of Riverbed solutions that may suggest likely or certain outcomes, and statements relating to Riverbed’s ability to meet the needs of distributed organizations. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, as well as assumptions that, if they do not fully materialize or prove incorrect, could cause our results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. The risks and uncertainties that could cause our results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements include our ability to react to trends and challenges in our business and the markets in which we operate; our ability to anticipate market needs or develop new or enhanced products to meet those needs; the adoption rate of our products; our ability to establish and maintain successful relationships with our distribution partners; our ability to compete in our industry; fluctuations in demand, sales cycles and prices for our products and services; shortages or price fluctuations in our supply chain; our ability to protect our intellectual property rights; general political, economic and market conditions and events; and other risks and uncertainties described more fully in our documents filed with or furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission. More information about these and other risks that may impact Riverbed’s business are set forth in our Form 10-K filed with the SEC on February 15, 2008. All forward-looking statements in this press release are based on information available to us as of the date hereof, and we assume no obligation to update these forward-looking statements. Any future product, feature or related specification that may be referenced in this release are for information purposes only and are not commitments to deliver any technology or enhancement. Riverbed reserves the right to modify future product plans at any time.
About SAP Co-Innovation Lab
Founded in July 2007, the SAP Co-Innovation Lab provides a hands-on environment for SAP, independent software vendors (ISVs), systems integrators (SIs), and technology partners to work together with customers around current and future technologies, as well as showcase how customers can increase competitive advantage and improve efficiencies by transforming their business networks with enterprise SOA.
Riverbed Technology, Riverbed, Steelhead, RiOS, Interceptor, and the Riverbed logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Riverbed Technology, Inc.
SAP, SAP NetWeaver and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG Germany and in several other countries all over the world.
All other trademarks used or mentioned herein belong to their respective owners.
Voor meer informatie kunt u contact opnemen met:
Marcommit PR
Ysbrant Bakker
Tel. 035-5822730 / 06-47049962
E-mail: [email protected]
Door de sterk groeiende vraag naar WAN-optimalisatie heeft SAP sinds kort haar certificering uitgebreid en past het keurmerk nu ook toe op netwerkintegratie. Uit de zware test die voorafging aan het toekennen van de certificering aan Riverbed kwamen de volgende conclusies naar voren: de CPU-load van SAP-applicaties wordt met minstens 10% teruggebracht en de WAN-eindgebruiker ervaart een afname van minstens 30% in de responstijd. Verder is gebleken dat de effectiviteit van het gebruik van de bandbreedte met minstens 30% toeneemt zonder afbreuk te doen aan functionaliteit en veilige, versleutelde communicatie. In de praktijk is gebleken dat Riverbed’s Steelheads de WAN-prestaties tot vijf keer verbeteren en dataverkeer tot zelfs 99% verminderen.
Carel Bak, Regional Director Noord-Europa bij Riverbed: ”De certificering is een logische stap. Onze Steelheads versnellen applicatiemodules over WAN’s binnen het NetWeaver platform en zo hebben we in verschillende tests een vermindering tot 99% van het dataverkeer gezien. Het resultaat daarvan is dat de capaciteit van de bandbreedte wel zeventien keer zo groot kan worden. Daarnaast versnelt RiOS zowel HTTP- als HTTPS-verkeer, wat de prestaties van SAP NetWeaver over het WAN nog verder ten goede komt. Gebruikers van het SAP NetWeaver platform zullen erg tevreden zijn over de resultaten van de Steelhead applicaties.”
Over Riverbed
Riverbed Technology, Inc. (Nasdaq:RVBD) is specialist in performance oplossingen voor Wide-area Data Services (WDS). Door een aanzienlijk betere applicatieperformance over het Wide Area Network (WAN) te realiseren dan wat gebruikers vandaag de dag gewend zijn, verandert Riverbed de manier van werken en maakt het mogelijk om gedistribueerde teams te laten samenwerken alsof ze op één locatie zitten. Riverbed’s Steelhead appliances hebben in 2005 en 2006 de ‘Product of the Year award’ gekregen van InfoWorld in de categorie ‘Best WAN accelerator’. Tevens is Riverbed uitgeroepen tot winnaar van de ‘2005 Technology Innovation Award’ van The Wall Street Journal in de categorie Network/Broadband/Internet, de ‘2006 Well-Connected Award’ van Network Computing voor ‘Remote Office Network Infrastructure’ en de ‘2006 Excellence Award for Network Infrastructure’ van eWeek. De oplossingen van Riverbed zijn wereldwijd verkrijgbaar via resellers die aangesloten zijn bij het Riverbed Partner Network, via OEM partners of direct van Riverbed. Voor meer informatie:
Steelhead Products
Riverbed’s WDS solutions enable organizations of all sizes to overcome a host of severe problems, including poor application performance and insufficient bandwidth at remote sites. By speeding the performance of applications between data centers, remote offices and mobile workers by five to 50 times and in some cases up to 100 times, Riverbed’s award-winning Steelhead WDS products enable companies to consolidate IT, improve backup and replication processes to ensure data integrity, and improve staff productivity and collaboration. Steelhead products have been deployed in organizations ranging from the world’s largest corporations with offices around the globe to small companies with a couple of sites that are just miles apart. To learn more, view Riverbed’s demo: www.riverbed.com/pr/jack.
Forward Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements, including statements relating to the expected demand for Riverbed's products and services, statements regarding performance results of Riverbed solutions that may suggest likely or certain outcomes, and statements relating to Riverbed’s ability to meet the needs of distributed organizations. These forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, as well as assumptions that, if they do not fully materialize or prove incorrect, could cause our results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. The risks and uncertainties that could cause our results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements include our ability to react to trends and challenges in our business and the markets in which we operate; our ability to anticipate market needs or develop new or enhanced products to meet those needs; the adoption rate of our products; our ability to establish and maintain successful relationships with our distribution partners; our ability to compete in our industry; fluctuations in demand, sales cycles and prices for our products and services; shortages or price fluctuations in our supply chain; our ability to protect our intellectual property rights; general political, economic and market conditions and events; and other risks and uncertainties described more fully in our documents filed with or furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission. More information about these and other risks that may impact Riverbed’s business are set forth in our Form 10-K filed with the SEC on February 15, 2008. All forward-looking statements in this press release are based on information available to us as of the date hereof, and we assume no obligation to update these forward-looking statements. Any future product, feature or related specification that may be referenced in this release are for information purposes only and are not commitments to deliver any technology or enhancement. Riverbed reserves the right to modify future product plans at any time.
About SAP Co-Innovation Lab
Founded in July 2007, the SAP Co-Innovation Lab provides a hands-on environment for SAP, independent software vendors (ISVs), systems integrators (SIs), and technology partners to work together with customers around current and future technologies, as well as showcase how customers can increase competitive advantage and improve efficiencies by transforming their business networks with enterprise SOA.
Riverbed Technology, Riverbed, Steelhead, RiOS, Interceptor, and the Riverbed logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Riverbed Technology, Inc.
SAP, SAP NetWeaver and other SAP products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG Germany and in several other countries all over the world.
All other trademarks used or mentioned herein belong to their respective owners.
Voor meer informatie kunt u contact opnemen met:
Marcommit PR
Ysbrant Bakker
Tel. 035-5822730 / 06-47049962
E-mail: [email protected]